
Tarija 101

Micros. I have talked about micros before, right? That is the word they use for buses. You pay 2 Bolivianos, between 25 and 40 cents and you can ride the bus for over an hour- or until the road stops, which, here in Bolivia that actually does happen. Sometimes there are holes at the bottom and you can see the bumpy dirt road underneath your feet, not too often, though. Our mission president has encouraged us to look for new ways to talk to people and we took him up on the challenge:

This morning we taught on the micro to about 20 people. At first, they looked at us wondering what we were doing, then as we kept talking about Christ in the Americas, more and more people wanted to hear! At the end of our bumpy ride, many people gave us their addresses and phone numbers. We have been testifying more and more about the Book of Mormon and about Christ coming to the Americas. It has been so special to be able to testify each day. I feel so blessed, humbled, and grateful to be a missionary. I know this Church is true. I know we have a Savior. I want to share it with more and more people and I sure hope and pray you at home are sharing the gospel and your testimonies regularly too.

Sister Greenman

Prayer Can Be Specific!

Bolivia 101

We are not the only missionaries here… there are many different denominations who have come to help my beloved Bolivian brothers and sisters. It’s interesting to see their tactics: first, help them temporally, then spiritually. There are many Jehovah´s Witnesses here working as hard as we are for the Salvation of Souls. Their end-goal is to share the Word of God. Thus, conversion and baptism takes about 2-3 years on average. They diligently take “the Word of God” to their homes once or twice a week. On the other hand, our purpose as missionaries of the Restored Gospel (and might I add that it is the same purpose as the great missionaries of the Book of Mormon) is to bring souls unto Christ. Knowing it cannot come without repentance and baptism, we share the Gospel plainly and clearly with the end-goal of helping them be truly converted when they enter the waters of baptism. Time is precious and helps us to be urgent in spreading the Word and helping people come unto Him. We first help them spiritually, and then everything else seems to fall into place. Interesting, right?

Nun of your business 

Two days ago, a truck pulled up beside us while we walked. This usually is a bad sign because the people here still are not used to seeing a tall blonde girl walking around their area…. But, this time, it was a nun—driving a truck and listening to worldly music. I didn’t quite know how to process the situation. The Nun spoke in Spanish with a polish accent “Hop in, I know where you are going and I’m heading the same way.” Sketchy. We were going to the home of Familia Romero. There was no way she could have known that. I said a silent prayer asking if it was okay. I felt at peace and hopped in as my companion looked at me in bewilderment, but trusting me, she hopped in after me. We began to tell her what street—wait there are no street names. We told her how many blocks before we would hop out. Her face showed some sign of concern, but then it started clicking for her—we weren’t the missionaries she thought. She finally asked us to which domination we belonged and we told her “from the Church of….” She froze. We asked if she had heard of it before. It looked like she had just eaten an entire lemon. She sure had. She knew “very well” who we were. I am pretty sure she was ready to kick us out of her truck, but she didn’t. If Hashtags are still in use I think it would be appropriate to insert #proudtobemormon. Our stop came, we thanked her for her help and all her help in the church here in Bolivia, it ended alright. We got to the family Romero on time thanks to her. The Lord always provides.

La Zeta Blanca

Speaking of how the Lord always provides, We were out in the boondocks in Barrio Las Velas.  And Micro “La Zeta blanca” (white Z bus) passes by once in a blue moon, and it is a LOOOOONG walk if it doesn’t come. We had a less-active to contact. Knowing la zeta blanca would pass by any second I plead to the Lord in prayer that it would not pass until we found, contacted and testified of the Gospel to the less-active reference we received. We found, taught and testified, felt the Spirit strongly, ended with a prayer and then walked right on to the micro that passed by the instant we ended. Do not try to tell me that the Lord cannot answer prayers exactly as we ask him.

Sunday we had MEXICAN FOOD! Isabel Medina from Mexico made my day. We cooked corn tortillas while sitting on a dirt floor and ate on car chairs that were covered with a towel. Oh How happy I was!

Sorry my emails haven’t been as interesting lately… internet is not reliable here and cuts out as much as our electricity… but it is a blessing that today it was working properly-ish.

Sister Greenman


Sister's Activity

Sister’s Activity: We were thinking about playing soccer.

Find Joy in the “Change”

Each season is a stepping Stone for the next. Without spring, summer and fall are completely different. If there is no winter, many plants can’t bloom in the spring. Without President Willard, This mission wouldn’t be able to blossom. With a change in mission presidents, I see new things I didn’t see before, just like a change in season is vital for growth in plants, changes in our lives help us grow to come closer to our Savior. I love change, and I love my new Mission President and his wife.

This week we have found many new families that want change in their lives. The trick is talking to everyone because we don’t know who is ready. Alejandro continues reading the book of Mormon with his family, but we have discovered one thing that keeps him from being baptized: fear. He is so afraid of change and what other people think. He says that the LDS church should let the Catholic church and all other churches have the Book of Mormon so that they too can have more of the Full Gospel. We tried not to laugh at his comment and told him that it is readily available to ALL who wish to accept it. But accepting the Book Of Mormon means the other churches would have to stop some of their practices and accept the priesthood and baptism by immersion. When he didn’t grasp that concept, we discovered his great fear of change. Please pray for him this week!

Sorry, I have been writing so little! That will change next week!

Sister Greenman

To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often. —Winston Churchill


Picture of my zone with the new Mission President, Luis Rodríguez Serrano and his wife, Consuelo Abellán de Rodríguez.SAM_7570.JPG